The Modern Answer to Inflammations and Chronic Pain

Pain Killing, Anti-inflammation & Immune System Boosting in Clinics, Hospitals and at Home!

We provide safe, strong and very efficient medical lasers at very affordable prices. Our Safe Lasers® can be easily and safely used without danger to the eyes, so they can be used not only in hospitals and clinics, but also at home. 

GENERAL INFO: There are three major fields of utilization of the soft (cold) laser effect: 1. Pain killing, 2. Anti-phlogistic / Anti-Inflammatory and 3. Bio-stimulation effect, which strengthens the immune system and the self-healing ability of the body. It can be safely used for treating children (pediatry) and animals (veterinary) as well.

Safe Lasers® accelerate the healing of colds, flu, relieve symptoms of inflammation, allergy, asthma, hay-fever, treat bruises, ear complaints, oral, nasal, vascular, musculoskeletal, neurological, skin & eye (!) diseases, sport injuries, etc.

The Modern Answer to Chronic Pain:  SL-500 penetrates up to eight centimeters deep into the tissue using a biostimulation effect to heal fractures, joints, muscles and tendons. The device is also a perfect solution for treating skin diseases including acne, eczema or slow-healing wounds, and even dental and mouth problems.

Safe Lasers® are simple and easy to use, only requiring you to put it on your skin above the pain-riddled or inflamed area for a couple of minutes, according the medical protocol. For ear, eye, nasal and oral cavity health problems, use of the specific heads is required.


1. They can provide patients an astonishingly broad range of treatments with Safe Lasers® (see below).

2. In many cases the official medical treatment protocols require DAILY treatments for 60-90 days and the treated patients experience that Safe Lasers® are very effective and easy to useso after certain number of treatments many patients wish to purchase Safe Lasers® from their Doctor or Healthcare Professional, a perfect win-win situation: Doctors and Healthcare Professionals can make substantial margins selling Safe Laser® devices and can use their time for treating new patients (generating further sales), while patients purchasing Safe Lasers® can save money and time, also can use the lasers for other problematic body parts and/or for other family members. 

SCIENTIFIC BACKGROUND, PATENTSThe co-owner of Safe Laser®, DR. Károly Rózsa (DSc) deals with laser research and development since 1963. He owns a number of patents on gas laser constructs. He performed the first successful polar light healing treatment, which led to the subsequent patent of medical and cosmetic lamps radiating polarized light.

In 2012 a new chapter was opened in the history of lasers with our "Safe Laser Light" technology. In 2014 our patented Safe Laser® optical arrangement allowed that high power (30 mW - 500 mW) medical lasers can be safely used without danger to eyes (according to IEC 60825-1:2014). 

This new technology significantly expanded the range of laser users: doctors and patients can use Safe Laser® without having to use uncomfortable protector glasses and patients can bring the healing power of strong 500 mW medical lasers to the comfort of their homes.

CERTIFICATES: Safe Laser® SL500 is made in the EU and has CE certificate as a Class II.a Medical Device. (ISO 13485)

A rechargeable battery provides power for weeks, and because of the unit’s small size and lightweight technology characteristics, the SL500 can be placed into your bag.

Prior to and during therapy, depending on the nature and severity of the disease, it is essential to consult a competent specialist in a polyclinic, clinic or hospital.


  • University of Veterinary Medicine – Vienna, Austria
  • Semmelweis University, Optometric Clinic
  • Semmelweis University, Dentistry, Paradontology Clinic
  • State Medical Centre - Central Hospital of the Hungarian Homeland Defense Forces - Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation
  • National Rheumatology and Physiotherapy Institute (ORFI) – Radiology
  • Central Medical Unit of the Hungarian Police
  • Sándor Péterffy Hospital and Casualty Centre – Casualty rehabilitation
  • Bethesda Children's Hospital – Rehabilitation Unit
  • Children's Hospital of Buda Rehabilitation Unit
  • Saint John Hospital – Traumatology Unit
  • Uzsoki Hospital - Central Intensive Unit
  • Jávorszky Ödön Hospital Vác – Ear- Nose- Throat Unit
  • Hospitaller Order’s Hospital – Budai Orthopedic Unit
  • GMC International Medical Training Centre… etc.

The diseases (indications) witch can be treated with Safe Laser® devices:

Immune System & diseases that can be treated with nostril light (laser beam directed to the nostrils)

  • accelerates the healing: colds, flu, relieve symptoms of nasal inflammation
  • relieve symptoms of allergy, asthma, hay fever

Skin diseases:

  • chronic inflammation, herpes simplex, herpes zooster,
  • ulcus cruris, non-healing ulcers, multiform exudative erythema, hypertrophic scars, alopecia areata

Oral cavity diseases:

  • aphta, herpes, chronic inflammation, trigeminus neuralgia, posttraumatic pain, postoperative pain, parodontosis, parodontitis, gingivitis, temporo-mandibular joint lesions, asyalia

Oto-rhino-laryngologic diseases:

  • chronic rhinitis, allergic chronic rhinitis, pharyngitis


  • ophthalmic herpes zooster

Vascular diseases:

  • obliterative vascular diseases, post-thrombotic syndrome, ulcer developed  on the ground of varicosity and vasculitis, sicca pre-gangrenous condition, decubitus

Musculoskeletal symptoms, rheumatology, sports injuries:

  • small joint, muscle and tendon injuries, inflammation, strain, sprain, contusion, abrasion, bruise
  • rheumatoid arthritis, arthropathy, arthrosis, other motility organ lesions


  • pain syndromes, degenerative spinal pain, radiculopathies, rehabilitation of those with locomotor disorders, lesions associated with hypertonicity, childhood motility disorders, contractions, Little disease, conditions following brain vascular events (paresis, motility disturbances, flexural contractions) inactivity muscular hypotrophy, atrophy, solution of forced

Ear Complaints:

  • inflammation, pain, tinnitus, ear itching

Laser acupuncture:

  • according to professional indication

Ongoing researches: 

  • hearing loss
  • tinnitus
  • reducing the time for orthodontics
  • corneal ulcer
  • special optical arrangement for an eye safe 2000mW infrared laser

Future research areas (already with case studies):

  • stroke rehabilitation
  • diabetes treatment
  • Alzheimer's prevention and treatment
  • myocardial infarction rehabilitation
  • macular degeneration (AMD)
  • glaucoma
  • amblyopia
  • old-age farsightedness


Musculoskeletal Disorders

  • Injuries – Treats contusions; strains (distorsions); hematomas; ruptures of taenia, muscle or tendon; fractures.
  • Disorders Due to Overstrain – Treats tendinitis myositis/bursitis; inflammation of peristil at adhesion and sticking point of muscles (e.g. tennis players’ elbow inflammation at point of adhesion of muscle to the lower arms as a result of overstrain).
  • Degenerative Deformations – Treats joint wear/arthrosis; joint inflammation (arthritis); disorders of vertical column (with pain-relieving and inflammation decrease results); muscle diseases such as muscle pain and limited movement (contracture); pains at various points of the body and numerous joints.

Traumatic and Sports Injury Healing Time Shortened by Laser Therapy

Applied before surgery, Safe Laser encourages accelerated absorption of hematoma/oedema, making the surgery area more accessible while reducing pain. Post-surgery laser therapy should be applied 1-2 times per day to achieve faster healing.

In the case of fractures, a small “window” is cut on the plastered limb, with direct laser enlightening providing intensive assistance to the ossification process.

Pain Elimination for Nervous System Disorders

Post-Herpetic Pain – Following convalescence from shingles (herpes zoster), burning pain often remains along the nerve line for years; the Safe Laser 500 Infra is given as treatment 2 minutes per point along the nerve line (after the first treatments, the pain may increase due to reaction to treatment, but this is followed by relief of pain).

Dental and Mouth Disease

Diseases of skin surfaces and mucous membranes (e.g. herpes, mouth wounds, ulcers and sores) and gingivitis, periodontitis and gum bleeding can be treated with red light (660nm) Safe Laser 150 more efficiently with optional fiber optics; however, the 808nm Safe Laser 500 Infra can reach deeper areas and is more suitable for relieving pain associated with:

  • Toothaches – Inflammation buildups can be effectively and efficiently treated either by enlightening through the cheek or with the assistance of fiber optics.
  • Mouth Surgery/Implantation – Recovery of soft and bone tissues is accelerated after dental treatments such as mouth surgery and implantations; laser applications improve the sticking of the epithelium (osteointegration) around dental implantations by enlightening through the cheek.
  • Convalescence/Trismus – Following surgery, convalescence is reduced and stitches can be removed by way of Safe Laser treatment, while conditions such as lock-jaw (trismus) can be relieved in a matter of minutes while inflammation is reduced.

Dermatological Diseases

In the case of bruises, injured skin surfaces and post-surgery wounds, the Safe Laser 500 subserves regeneration of normal tissues while also initiating the healing of ulcers.

Treatment frequency for chronic pain, inflammation and/or disease is on an every-other-day basis, with cases of acute pain requiring daily treatment for up to 2 weeks.

The SL500 Infra has been designed for all ages, is very easy to operate, boasts lightweight but durable construction elements, uses only one button for intuitive functioning and comes with a long-life rechargeable battery – all of which combine to make it the best solution for home and professional users alike.

*Massage therapists, physiotherapists, doctors and veterinarians can take advantage of this patented laser technology equipment without any special insurance or the use of safety glasses.

Duration of Treatments

Depending on the disease, differing energy quantities (Joules) are introduced via the SL-500 to achieve efficient healing. Thus, higher energy output is provided by prolonged irradiation.

  • 4-10 Joule Energy = 2+ Minutes Irradiation – Treats strains, bruises, muscle spasms, light musculoskeletal injuries, acute and chronic inflammations, dental and mouth disorders and dermatologic diseases plus improves microcirculation.
  • 15 Joule Energy = 3 Minutes Irradiation – Relieves pain and severe musculoskeletal disorders.
  • 25 Joule Energy = 4-5 Minutes Irradiation – Supports cartilage regeneration and treats musculoskeletal injuries in deep layers; ruptures of taenia, muscle or tendons and fractures (in the beginning, even at twice-per-day).

Available accessories: 1. Fiber Optics treatment head for ear, throat and teeth, 2. Cosmetic treatment head, 3. Nose treatment head 

Technical Details

Power: 500mW scattered laser radiation
Class-1 laser product
Wave length: 808nm laser


Safe Laser SL150

Fiber Optic Attachment for SL150 

Cosmetic Adapter for SL150

Nose Treatment Adapter for SL150 

Eye Treatment Adapter for SL150 

Fiber Optic Attachment for SL500 

Nose Treatment Adapter for SL500 

For further information please study our below attached PDF Presentation, have a look at our Product Info Sheet (PDF), or contact us by clicking here.
